The Attitudes of EFL Teachers in Kazakhstan towards Continuous Professional Development
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This research looks into Kazakhstani EFL teachers' attitudes towards continuous professional development (CPD). It looks at both the beneficial and challenging aspects of their CPD involvement. The study analyzed the attitudes of nine EFL teachers who participated in continuous professional training within the last year. The study aimed to understand teachers' perceptions of their ability to self-control their learning, their needs, and their relatedness to colleagues and course instructors. The qualitative method was utilized in the study, which implied thematic analysis and the interpretation of the findings. Overall, the participants have a positive attitude toward CPD, but they have trouble accessing a wider variety of professional development activities that suit their interests and specific professional needs. The study also highlights how crucial it is to develop and establish policies and programs that foster professional development and deal with these issues. The results can direct the creation and implementation of CPD initiatives in Kazakhstan and other comparable settings.


Professional development, Continuous development, EFL teachers’ attitudes, Secondary education, Teachers in Kazakhstan

How to Cite

Karibayeva, L., Nogaibayeva , A. A., Kassymova , G. K., & Nursultan , M. (2023). The Attitudes of EFL Teachers in Kazakhstan towards Continuous Professional Development. International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education, 1(1), 43–55.

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