Call for Papers for the New Issue
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the new issue of the International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASTE).
The articles should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASSE) and during the review process.
The focus of the journal is mainly on science and education so submissions from science areas should have science and education aspects. The journal is aimed at covering science and education topics.
The IJASSE is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. Any manuscript submitted for consideration in publication in the regular or special issue of the journal is reviewed by at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area.
The reviewers of a submission are independent of the authors and not affiliated with the same institution. The reviewers are assigned based on the submission topic and selected from international authors who have significant works on the submission.
Please consider that editors and reviewers invest significant time in the submission. Thus, the submission cannot be withdrawn without the approval of the editorial office during the review, the revision or the production after acceptance or publication process.
The submission is first reviewed by the editorial board. This initial review is completed in two weeks. If the submission passes the initial review, then thedouble-blind blind review process takes about 6 months.
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the new issue of the International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASTE).
The International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASSE) has started to be indexed by EBSCO's reputable databases such as Education Ultimate, Education Full Text / H. W. Wilson, and Central & Eastern European Academic Source.