Call for Papers for the New Issue
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the new issue of the International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASTE).
Full Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASSE)
ISSN (electronic): 3023-5510
Publisher/Owner: Güleser Maya Hebebci
Publisher Location: Türkiye
Editors: Dr. Samantha M. Curle, Dr. Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci
Publication Frequency: Twice-annual
Publication Website:
First Year Published: 2023
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the new issue of the International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASTE).
The International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education (IJASSE) has started to be indexed by EBSCO's reputable databases such as Education Ultimate, Education Full Text / H. W. Wilson, and Central & Eastern European Academic Source.