An Analysis Of The 5th Grade Social Sciences Questions In The Non-Paid Boarding Scholarship Exam According To Value Classification
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In this study, it was aimed to analyze the 5th grade social studies test items of the Ministry of National Education Non-Paid Boarding Scholarship Examination (PYBS) held between 2018-2023 according to the value classification by using the document analysis method. Within the scope of the research, 100 social studies test items asked at the 5th grade level in PYBS were analyzed by taking a 5-year section between 2018-2023. For the classification of the items, it was determined that the national and universal values within the purpose of the study were present in the test items. Accordingly, 33 of the 100 items included items with national and universal values (33%). Of these items, 22 were universal values (66%) and 11 were national values (33%). It was observed that national and universal values were not homogeneously distributed while preparing exam questions in central exams such as PYBS, whose results enable disadvantaged groups to receive a more equitable education, and that the items related to value education were homogeneously distributed in the test items according to the current social studies course curriculum. In the future PBYS exams, studies can be conducted to increase the items that include national values.


PBYS, 5th grade, Document analysis, Universal values, National values, Values education

How to Cite

Can, H. G. (2023). An Analysis Of The 5th Grade Social Sciences Questions In The Non-Paid Boarding Scholarship Exam According To Value Classification. International Journal of Academic Studies in Science and Education, 1(1), 71–82.

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